About my services
For Japanese Leaners
1) Standard: Conversation Lesson
- Either 25 or 50 minutes lesson.
- No text book to be used
- Topic should be chosen by a student
- After each lesson, mail feedback will be given by the teacher.
- Ex: Focusing on the use of past tense. Practice for interview.
2) Standard: Grammer Lesson
- Either 25 or 50 minutes lesson.
- Textbook will be used based on the level of students.
- In principle, it will be taught in Japanese, but additional explanation can be made in English or French
- Students are expected to do homeworks.
3) Speaking :Japanese Lesson
(5 Minutes of Everyday)
- 5 minutes lesson
- Specific to someone who wish to speak Japanese everyday with Native Japanese speakers.
- ZOOM or Facebook Messenger will be the platform for the lesson.
4) Writing: Group Journal Course
- For those who want to write and read Japanese everyday in a casual way.
- Using a system such as FB Messenger, a group of four people (two Japanese teachers and two students) take turns to write three to five sentences every day.
- The sentences can be either questions in general or about your favourite things, or questions for the next person.
- The learners’ sentences will be corrected by the Japanese teacher.
Please refer to the blog for the details.
Example: Japanese teacher A writes a question to learner 1, the next day learner 1 writes a question to the next Japanese teacher B. The next day, teacher B writes a question to learner 2.
1) 25 min = 1300 yen~ 50 min = 2000 yen~
2) 25 min = 1500 yen~ 50min = 2200 yen~
3) 5 min x 10 days=1000 yen~(trial)
4) 1 month = 3000 yen ~
Payment method = Paypal, bank account
about ME
For Japanese Natives
- 勉強中の内容をアウトプットしたい方むけ。
- 勉強中の内容を、非学習者にもわかるように説明してください。
- 適宜質問させていただきます。
- セッションの中で、 ご自分の良い部分、苦手な部分、理解が不十分な部分等が見つけられます。
- 短時間で話す練習をされたい方向け。
- 毎日同じ時間にMessengerあるいは電話番号に電話いたします。
- ひらがなやカタカナを始めるお子様むけ
- zoom上で25分のレッスンです。powerpointとオリジナル練習問題用紙を使用します。
- 長期休暇中に集中してレッスンします。
- 小学1年生向け漢字まで(2022年2月現在)
支払い方法=銀行振込(三井住友銀行、楽天銀行 他)
What I blog about